No matter what breed you have, they're capable of accomplishing great things with your dedicated attention. Try these training pointers from Bisher.
5 Reasons Dog Training Makes Life Better Be Consistent With Basic Cues
Some of the basic cues your dog should be able to follow with positive reinforcement training include:
You might need to consider crate training as an essential skill, too.
One of the most common mistakes Bisher sees is that everyone in the family isn't using the same cue. For example, if you're teaching your dog "down," someone else might be saying "get off."
"That's a problem, and it's hard to overcome," Bisher says. "It's too confusing, and they won't learn." Before you start training, make sure to go over the terms you're using for each cue and ensure everyone sticks to them.
After the "business" of learning is complete, then you can move on to the really fun tricks such as "shake" and "roll over."
Short, Repetitive Sessions Are Best
"People spend too long on a training session," Bisher says. The best thing to do is have short but frequent sessions so your dog doesn't become distracted, bored, or tired. Puppies should do well with 5- or 10-minute sessions, depending on the breed, while older dogs new to training or learning additional skills might have more success with 15-minute increments.
Repetition is key: Choose a single basic cue and work on it a few times daily for about a week. Some exceptionally smart dogs, such as cattle dogs and other herding breeds, might even be eager to try a few different skills in a day.
"Always end on a high note," Bisher says. "If 'sit' is their really strong cue, end on that and make it a big deal so your dog doesn't get discouraged."