Bai is on the Road to Recovery


At just seven months old, Bai is fighting for his life. 


North Las Vegas Police Department brought Bai to us after a good Samaritan found him broken, alone, and terrified. Upon examination, our vets discovered Bai had multiple fractures in his legs, spine, and face.


Bai is in extreme pain, and even with medication he can’t stand or move around – even to relieve himself. To give him the best chance of survival, Bai needs multiple surgeries, starting with one to repair one of his broken legs.


As a triage center, we can’t provide Bai with the specialty care he deserves. We need to outsource multiple costly surgeries, and even then, he will have a long road to recovery. Once he has the surgery to repair his leg, a dedicated foster or rescue will be crucial to continuing his care.


With your help, we want to give Bai a fighting chance. Even though he’s in severe pain, we can see in his eyes that he wants to live. He spent last night in a foster home, and his foster told us he likes to watch the show Bluey to calm down. He is such a loving puppy with a big personality, and we need your help.


Will you donate to Bai’s life-saving care? All donations to our CARE Fund go directly to the medical costs of Bai and other animals in extreme circumstances.





Bai is on the Road to Recovery!



Bai is one tough cookie!


Bai was all smiles while he said his goodbyes to our team today before heading off to Animal Help Alliance to continue his recovery. We’re so grateful for this support.


Bai came to The Animal Foundation with multiple fractures in his legs, spine, and face. We’re so excited this loving puppy is now getting the much-needed help he deserves




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