Shiva and Her 4-day Old Puppies Were Found in a Trash Can.


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Shiva was discovered with her four-day-old puppies in a trash can outside a Las Vegas grocery store. Abandoned and neglected, they had been thrown out like trash, left to fend for themselves.


A passerby heard their desperate cries for help and called Animal Protection Services. Officers brought Shiva and her puppies to The Animal Foundation, where they were immediately seen by our veterinary team.


An exam at the shelter revealed the ordeal of labor had taken a toll on her fragile body, leading to a prolapsed uterus. She was severely underweight, dehydrated, and had low blood pressure.


We performed surgery on Shiva and the next couple of days were touch and go. We weren’t sure she was going to make it, but Shiva was determined to survive as she fought off an infection that had overwhelmed her body.


These days, Shiva is doing much better. Her progress is truly amazing. She is a wonderful mom, nursing and caring for her puppies in a loving foster home. She is a loving and gentle dog, and her eyes light up when her foster family showers her with the affection and cuddles she craves.


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Thanks to donors like you, Shiva and her puppies will only know love from here on out.


We established our CARE Fund for animals who need special care in extreme circumstances. 100% of your donation goes directly to medical care. If you would like to be a hero to help more animals like Shiva and her puppies, you can donate here: Care Fund General Donation Form

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